زمان حال استمراری در زبان انگلیسی

زبان انگلیسی | درس دوازدهم زمان حال استمراری

درس دوازدهم


نکته دستوری:


زمان حال استمراری عملی را که در حال حاضر در حال انجام شدن می باشد را بیان می کند.
برای درست کردن این زمان بعد از افعال کمکی(are-is-am) از فعل اصلی و ing استفاده می شود.
علامت آن کلمه now در آخر جمله است. مثال:
من الان دارم مطالعه می کنم.
تو الان داری مطالعه می کنی.
او الان دارد مطالعه می کند.
I am studying now.
You are studying now.
He (she) is studying now.
Open باز کردن
من اکنون در حال باز کردن در هستم.
شما اکنون در حال باز کردن در هستید.
او اکنون در حال باز کردن در است.
او اکنون در حال مطالعه کردن است.
او اکنون نشسته است.
او اکنون در حال بازکردن پنجره است.
او اکنون در حال بستن در است.
آنها اکنون مشغول بازی در باغ هستند.
شما حالا مشغول خواندن قرآن هستید.
I am opening the door now.
You are opening the door now.
He is opening the door now.
1- He is studying now. He’s studying now.
2- She is sitting now.
3- He is opening the window now.
4- She is closing the door now.
5- They are playing in the garden now.
6- You are reading the Koran now.
تمرینات درس دوازدهم
الف- با کلمات داخل پرانتز جملات را تغییر دهید:
He is playing now.(I)
I am playing now.
نکته دستوری:برای تغییر این گونه جملات بایستی فعل(am-is-are) را متناسب با فاعلی که در داخل پرانتز است بکار ببرید. مثل نمونه بالا:
1- Miss Ahmadi is standing now. (I)
I am standing now.
2-she is sitting in the classroom now. (I)
I am sitting in the classroom now.
3-you are closing the door now. (She)
She is closing the door now.
4-We are opening the window now. (He)
He is opening the window now.
5-they are playing in the garden now. (You)
You are playing in the garden now.
6- He is reading the Koran now. (You)
You are reading the Koran now
ب- با کلمات داده شده جملات را تغییر دهید.
B-Change the sentence with the words:
I am opening the door now.
(He) He is opening the door now.
I am opening the door now
1- (He) he is opening the door now.
2- (She) she is opening the door now.
3- (Ahmad) Ahmad is opening the door now.
4- (Parvin) Parvin is opening the door now.
5- (You) you are opening the door now.
6- (They) they are opening the door now.
7- (We) we are opening the door now.
8- (The teacher) the teacher is opening the door now.
9- (The student) the student is opening the door now.
10- (The boy) The boy is opening the door now.
ج- این جملات را بخوانید:
1- He is opening the window now.
2- They are sitting now.
3- She is closing the door now.
4- He is standing now.
5- They are playing in the garden now.
6- She is reading the Koran now
7- You are sitting on the chairs now.
8- I am sitting on the bench now.
9- I am reading the Koran now.





منبع:سلام زبان